Dos and Don'ts of Gift Giving

Christmas is HERE and in the spirit of all things fun and festive here is a look at some of the Dos and Don't of gift giving!! Some of these are useful, some are tongue-in-cheek - do you have any Dos and Don'ts? ...And if you're having trouble finding those last minute gifts in time, check out this list of 17 Gifts When You're Stuck For Ideas. Do give something they'll use up - check out this list for lots of great ideas - candles, hot chocolate, bath treats, baked goodies etc Don't become their decorator - ornaments, paintings and nik naks are very personal matters of taste, don't buy unless you're sure! Do choose easy pieces- the exceptions to the above rule are scented candles and photo frames - just don't make the frame too big! Don't try to 'change their mind' - if they're very vocal about something they dislike, don't think 'oh but they'll like this one!' they wont - case in point, someone once bought me...